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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which has less rocker…Burrows/Savard or Vanek

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Looking to pick up a widow soon and trying to find something with very little rocker. Currently use a P4/PM9. Tried a P87A/P3 and felt it had too much rocker and too much loft. Seems like everyone raves the Vanek curve, but Idk how I feel about falling in love with an endangered species.

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I would say PM9 has more rocker, but it's also a bit shorter and that may throw the comparison off a bit.

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Stay away from the Vanek. It will only break your heart. You'll end up outside of Warrior's HQ holding a boom box up in the air, blasting Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes" and begging them to make just one more.... Not that I have done ever done that...

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Stay away from the Vanek. It will only break your heart. You'll end up outside of Warrior's HQ holding a boom box up in the air, blasting Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes" and begging them to make just one more.... Not that I have done ever done that...

You can get it from the Bauer customizer as well.

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Vanek has less rocker, slightly longer blade, a little less curve at the toe and is a fraction more open through the toe area.

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Stay away from the Vanek. It will only break your heart. You'll end up outside of Warrior's HQ holding a boom box up in the air, blasting Peter Gabriel's "In Your Eyes" and begging them to make just one more.... Not that I have done ever done that...

You can get it from the Bauer customizer as well.

Isn't the PP09 Ryan by Sherwood relatively similar?

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