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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey Pants fix question

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I picked up a pair of used tackla pants left over from a local high school team. The downside is they have a rip in the back of one of the legs. I was curious if anyone out there could inform me on the best materials and where to possibly find them to fix this rip. I was planning on just sewing it, if that helps anyone out.


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I picked up a pair of used tackla pants left over from a local high school team. The downside is they have a rip in the back of one of the legs. I was curious if anyone out there could inform me on the best materials and where to possibly find them to fix this rip. I was planning on just sewing it, if that helps anyone out.


A fabric store (like Joann's) should be able to help you out - tell them what material it is, what kind of usage it'll sustain, and they'll be able to point you toward the right thread and needle. I sewed a couple of rips in my hockey pants with a heavy-duty needle (designed for sewing pillowcases together) and thick nylon thread, held up nicely.

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Since I always seem to have an old ripped up hockey bag lying around (my pants are black and my bags are black), I cut up a piece of material from it and use that as a patch. I generally use a speedy stitcher to do the sewing.

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