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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking to trade up from my Easton H4799. Suggestions?

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It's been a long time since I got a NEW stick. The only stick to survive my weight and playstyle has been my trusty H4799 with a Sherwood Coffey wooden blade.

In my advanced age, I'm just not strong enough to make most use of this stick anymore. At this point it's good for snap shots, wristers and draws (nothing beats the stiffness of an aluminum stick on the draw).

My puck handling isn't good anymore, my pass reception isn't good, slapshots HURT (had bruised palms for weeks now)

I'm even debating if my Coffey curve is right for me anymore. I'm still accurate on the passes and shots for the most part, so I don't think changing my curve is necessary. Shots go where I want them to and carry a lot of speed still, but boy do they hurt to release.

I was thinking of getting a SherWood T-90 shaft and getting the appropriate blade for it... I don't think I want to go one piece.

I'd like to avoid spending a ton of money too.


I'm 6'3" and 225lbs. I play defence and I am a serial shaft snapper.

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with your height I would say a softer flex Jr shaft may be too short for you. One of the easier flexing sticks in a low 75 flex may be perfect for you. I know the Sherwood ek15, and the warrior coverts are great, the widow is the same easy flex but it tends to be less durable. Not sure if the warrior dynastys have an easy flex as well but that could be an option as they have a more traditional mid flex which is usually easy to bend IMHO.

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I actually don't like a TON of flex. Any reason why I should go for a low flex?

Are any of these shafts in an under $100 price point?

I thought the EK15 was a one piece.

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Honestly, I think the T90 shaft best fits your needs. If it's anything like it's OPS counterpart (which has a generally positive reputation on this board - I have no personal exp

erience) it should be an excellent value. However, according to icewarehouse.com the standard version is only 52" and the tapered version is only 53" which might be a little short for you.

Either that, or look for Easton Ultra-Lites or similar shafts on ebay. It was the next big thing after aluminum so it might be the most natural transition for you.

EDIT: Boom. Brand new 85 flex Ultra-Lites. Not my auction.


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They're that length bc they're shafts and with a blade put in it will be longer.

I was suggesting a lower flex bc you said you're not as strong to get the most out of what you have now. If you're getting bruised palms then you're going to get that no matter what stick or flex you choose, they do make pads that can be sewn into the glove tohelp if you really want to keep taking slappers.

On other shots it just lets the stick do the work instead of you trying to overpower it.

For shafts there arnt too many around or being made anymore, but you can dig for some NOS shafts but make sure you fit the right blade in it either tapered or standard.

If you want to try a 1 piece the warrior covert dt3lt and dt4lt are priced $150 and $100 respectively and both are great light and well balanced sticks. Which most websites have a 15-20% off right now. The coverts have been extremely durable for me as I'm too a heavy guy and my lasted about a gear now with only minor fraying on the toe

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Warrior did a nice job trickling down their top end tech and balance to their lower offerings. After holding the dt4lt in person I was impressed and thought it would easily cost much more. Look at the warrior covert dt lt/st thread here on the forums.

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I actually don't like a TON of flex. Any reason why I should go for a low flex?

Are any of these shafts in an under $100 price point?

I thought the EK15 was a one piece.

The stiffness is a likely source of your hand pain. Adjusting your slapshot motion to take less ice should also help as well.

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