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bauer x:60 skates question - what is the equivalent in today's model

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i've got a pair of bauer x:60 skates from about 4 years ago. at the time, these were the high end of the vapour line.

i haven't been keeping tabs on all the new skates in recent years, but have seen bauer use the 6.0, 7.0, apx language. i also see they are using X60 (which now seems low/mid range, X70, X90, etc.

can someone tell me, are the skates i have now essentially the same as 7.0 and X100 or something else?

thanks for your help.

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Features differ slightly, you can cross reference between the different Bauer catalogs for more details.

You are going to want to look at the X 7.0 and X90.

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Features differ slightly, you can cross reference between the different Bauer catalogs for more details.

You are going to want to look at the X 7.0 and X90.



X7.0 = X:60

X90 = X7.0

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Inners though I'd say closer to X100. They claim apx = x100 but they aren't. If same inners and stiffer boot I;d go x100. For lower quality inners but probably a slightly softer boot i'd go X90.

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The curv composite on an x100 is going to feel significantly different from the techmesh outer on the old X60. Liner differences aside, the X90 is a much better bet if thats the feel he's trying to duplicate.

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