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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Getting your name stitched on your gloves

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I KNOW there was a thread about this before, I spent almost 10 minutes searching for it and just couldn't find it, so I apologize in advance.

Has anyone here had their names stitched onto the cuff of their gloves?

I know a few people with custom gloves have had it done by the companies that made the gloves, but what about someone that already owns a pair of gloves?

Would an embroidery store in the mall that does custom hats and whatnot be able to do it? I recall someone saying the material in the cuffs is too thick for a standard embroidery machine or something of that sort.

Thanks a lot.

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Stitching thread

The key to the search is finding something that is specific for what you want. If you type in gloves, you'll get a million threads. I went off of "stitched" and went to 1 thread, which lead me to this one.

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Stitching thread

The key to the search is finding something that is specific for what you want. If you type in gloves, you'll get a million threads. I went off of "stitched" and went to 1 thread, which lead me to this one.

That's the thread I was looking for. I kept searching for "name" in thread titles and nothing came up. I guess it was because the search feature doesn't cover the "sub-title" section of threads. Thanks

JR, yeah I know it would probably be best to send them to Northern Sports, but last time I had them do work for me it took a little more than 3 weeks and I really don't want to be without my gloves for that long just to get my name stitched on them.

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