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Extremely wide, high volume feet - Skate help please!

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I have extremely wide, high volume feet! About 4.75 inches wide at the ball of my foot. I do not have a long foot, about a 6.5 CCM or 7 Bauer. I was able to get some CCM RBZ 80 skates (6.5 EE) that after heat molding and punching out the sides overnight seem to fit on my feet well as long as I keep them laced fairly loosely in the forefoot and mid-foot (assuming this goes back to the volume issue). It took me 2 weeks to find a skate that fit this well (mind you, I've been on vacation so it's been an every day affair). After about 10 minutes of skating around I begin having extremely bad inside arch pain, especially on the right foot. It goes away without having to take the skates off as long as I sit down for 5 minutes or so. I do not have abnormally high or low arches, but I know I do tend to over-pronate when I walk. Any tips on any inserts for people with wide feet that may help out? If inserts don't save me, what's the next step?

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I, too, have a wide foot with a mid/low arch. I've had great success with the new CCM inserts -- the heel cup supports my foot, and has grip material on it to keep things locked in.

I'd definitely try it out, as the stock insoles are likely not doing too much to support your heel and arch.

The Superfeet Yellow insoles have a higher arch, so they may not work well for you.

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If you are having depth/volume issues (most likely, since the RBZ didn't seem to be very deep when I tried them) you really need to try some Nexus or Graf skates. It is night and day, 1000%. A 5.5 EE CCM RBZ was narrower, and had much much less depth then a pair of 5.0 Nexus D width skates for me. You'll be doing yourself a great service (even if it costs you more money in the end) by getting skates that legitimately fit your foot, and don't require heavy modification and inserts to combat pain. As i've mentioned to others in other posts, I put up with not-deep-enough skates for all my years of high school hockey and before that (probably 8 years or so) and the pain I would get is just not something I wish on anyone else lol..make sure you pass the pencil tests on your skates, there's most likely something out there (non-custom) that will fit you 95% perfectly and might need light stretching or punching in one problem area and you'll be golden.

Something else i'll point out (from my experience) is that lacing outside-inside (google it, or search on these forums) does seem to provide a tiny bit more volume in skates/shoes and takes pressure off the instep of the foot and I would even go as far as to say it helps keep laces from becoming loose. This might be a temporary help if you do try to find better fitting skates.

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In my experience reeboks are wide but their EE doesn't add any depth, seems the same with the Easton eq40s I have. I would like to see more deep boots as people seem to need more depth than width it seems and most times compensate with a wide boot

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In my experience reeboks are wide but their EE doesn't add any depth, seems the same with the Easton eq40s I have. I would like to see more deep boots as people seem to need more depth than width it seems and most times compensate with a wide boot

Agreed. The EE RBZ was just right on my foot width wise, so they are definitely suitable for 2E-4E feet, but the depth is just not up to par with the width. I'm sure there's people out there though that are wide but don't have a big instep, unfortunately that isn't me :p

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So, what skates are you guys wearing? I've skated on these CCM's 3 times now... can't seem to do more than 4-5 minutes at a time now, just hurting worse and worse. Feels like my foot is in a vice grip, even when they are hardly laced.

EDIT: I see Nexus now, lol... Guy at TH in rockville is gonna get some in for me to see if they work out

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So, what skates are you guys wearing? I've skated on these CCM's 3 times now... can't seem to do more than 4-5 minutes at a time now, just hurting worse and worse. Feels like my foot is in a vice grip, even when they are hardly laced.

EDIT: I see Nexus now, lol... Guy at TH in rockville is gonna get some in for me to see if they work out

Yep - they definitely fit wide/have plenty of depth and volume. I fit into a 4.5 D width. All my previous skates were 5.5 EE or 6 EE (all poorly fitted by inexperienced employees and I was much younger/impatient, but I do wear a 7 4E shoe). Just got mine today, had them tweaked a little before leaving the shop (toe cap seam was digging into my big toe), will skate in them tomorrow hopefully so I can give an actual review of how they feel/fit. I am still a bit annoyed I ended up having to buy 400's, they don't even allow steel change. But for $93 these will be good to try out until the new line comes out and i'll probably get a better/moldable model then.

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Sweet. Definitely let me know how it goes. One of the guys from the forum here works at a Total Hockey a little over an hour from me and is trying to get his hands on some EE nexus 1000's for me to try out. I'm hoping its the answer. I don't mind spending the money on custom, the waiting period is what would bother me haha, already beyond frustrated with all the mess i been going through. Already wasted $300 on some CCM RBZ80's that kill my feet

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In my experience reeboks are wide but their EE doesn't add any depth, seems the same with the Easton eq40s I have. I would like to see more deep boots as people seem to need more depth than width it seems and most times compensate with a wide boot

I had a pair of eq40 and ended up going with EE that I used for a year but got sick of having to lace them so loose. I now went with a pair of RBZ90s in D which were soooo much better in there store and for the first few weeks but now I'm starting to get some nasty lace bite and kinda wish I woulda looked at the nexus more. ugh. haha skates are so difficult and expensive when you mess up. I'm going to have to use these for a while now.

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I had a pair of eq40 and ended up going with EE that I used for a year but got sick of having to lace them so loose. I now went with a pair of RBZ90s in D which were soooo much better in there store and for the first few weeks but now I'm starting to get some nasty lace bite and kinda wish I woulda looked at the nexus more. ugh. haha skates are so difficult and expensive when you mess up. I'm going to have to use these for a while now.

You aren't alone - the feet are more complex then we all like to think. And unfortunately shoes/skates/clothing is manufactured to fit the most general size/shape of feet or body. My Nexus are awesome in depth and seem good on width but now a heel volume issue is pretty clear to me - so I might need different skates (no idea what in the hell would fit me if these dont) or have to tinker with things to take up volume in the heel to keep it from moving on me. Short of custom skates (which most of us cant afford or just dont want to shell out for) its going to take a few pairs and potentially some jerry rigging to get a working skate ~_~

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Which nexus do you have Slayer? I have heard that the 1000 is a wider in the heel than the 800 is. I have an 800 ordered that will get here Monday which I hope ends my search after failing the pencil test on the 4th eyelet from the top on the rbz 90.

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Which nexus do you have Slayer? I have heard that the 1000 is a wider in the heel than the 800 is. I have an 800 ordered that will get here Monday which I hope ends my search after failing the pencil test on the 4th eyelet from the top on the rbz 90.

Just a 400. LHS couldn't order 800 from Bauer, I could have not taken the 400 and ordered an 800 online (probably should have). You should have no depth issues with the Nexus, very unlikely. Just make sure that it fits everywhere else, especially the heel. At this point I am probably just going to order some Stable 26 socks and see if those can get me by until the new Nexus line comes out and see if I can get a feel for those. Sadly the RBZ 80 fit me great except for being way too shallow to ever fit me. Now these fit but don't lock my heel in ;/ it is however very nice to be able to lace up properly and not feel like my foot is being crushed by laces.

It could be possible i'd fit in a size 4 Nexus..but I dont think my shop has it in stock. I might call around and see if anyone does tomorrow, i'm curious. Id just love to put a skate on and actually feel what its like to drive through the skate and not get half my energy transferred everywhere but the ice lol

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I wear a 10 4 e in new balance and tried a 8 in the RBZ 90 and still could fit a pencil in the heel with my toes feathering the cap. I ordered an 8 d in the nexus and hope I don't squish my toes and only require a punch or stretch to get it right. I have reebok 7k 8.5 now and believe the only reason my heel does not slide is from the pump. I just hope that my heel stays put because I won't be able to tweak it with a pump in a Bauer skate. Will be interested to see how you solve your heel issues. Best of luck with that.

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You aren't alone - the feet are more complex then we all like to think. And unfortunately shoes/skates/clothing is manufactured to fit the most general size/shape of feet or body. My Nexus are awesome in depth and seem good on width but now a heel volume issue is pretty clear to me - so I might need different skates (no idea what in the hell would fit me if these dont) or have to tinker with things to take up volume in the heel to keep it from moving on me. Short of custom skates (which most of us cant afford or just dont want to shell out for) its going to take a few pairs and potentially some jerry rigging to get a working skate ~_~

It seems like the companies could do a better job explaining the fit of the skates. All the terms like anatomical and deep v are too cryptic for me haha.

Which nexus do you have Slayer? I have heard that the 1000 is a wider in the heel than the 800 is. I have an 800 ordered that will get here Monday which I hope ends my search after failing the pencil test on the 4th eyelet from the top on the rbz 90.

What is the pencil test?

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It seems like the companies could do a better job explaining the fit of the skates. All the terms like anatomical and deep v are too cryptic for me haha.

What is the pencil test?

Unlace the skates, pull the tongue down towards your toes. Foot in skate, kicked back into the heel, take a pen or pencil and try to run it along the fabric above the eyelets (so the pen or pencil SHOULD be touching the boot on both sides of the skate above the eyelets) if your foot gets in the way and the pen/pencil doesn't touch both sides of the boot you are failing the pencil test and the boot isn't deep enough. On the opposite side - if you have space under the pen/pencil the boot is probably too deep.

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Pencil also checks length. With your toes just feathering the cap,try to stick a pencil between the boot and your heel. If you can, the skate is too big and can develop the same problem Slayer may be having. Hope this helps or someone correct me if I am wrong.

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Nope I believe you are correct Stodgy. Unfortunately I felt obligated to buy these skates because the shop had to "order them" and was just in a rush to get out of there since the employee was more interested in other customers at the time. Went back today and had the same treatment so I was standing around for quite a while but got to try some other skates on, unfortunately it hasn't really helped me determine where to go now that these Nexus aren't quite right for me.

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