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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Advice

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I'm just getting back on the ice after a few years off so I'm in the market for a new stick and just need some advice. I picked up a mako m2 to start with a hall blade but after a few weeks of playing with it I really don't like it. Part of the problem is the blade because I'm most comfortable with a p46 or p40 and if it's not Reebok or ccm I can't seem to find a matching pattern with the other manufacturers. The second problem with the mako is that the feel of the puck is horrible, I know part of that is the hall pattern but it just feels really pingy to me when I'm catching passes. So I'm looking more to mid price sticks or a top stick from last year on clearance. I'm leaning toward an RBZ 80 or the new 24k. Any thoughts on those or suggestions for other sticks to consider would be great. Also I mostly take wrist and snap shots.

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I don't know where you live, or how big you are, but if you like CCM sticks, Monkey has the 2011 Crazy light and Crazy strong for $79 in intermediate, not sure on the senior sticks.....of course that is online, you'll be lucky to see 1 in a store.

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I have an rbz80. Its a good stick, i like how it flexs whereever your lower hand is. The only drawback is the paint chips very easily.

For the record i have heard the 24k is a very good competitor to the rbz80.

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Kovalchuk looks like Bergeron if you want to try a Warrior. I use shaft/blade setups, and use the Warrior Dynasty AXT1 (Kovalchuk) tapered paddles on my sticks. I tried the Easton Mako II paddle and also found that it lacked puck feel. I like the fee of the Warrior Dynasty AXT1 paddles, which I think will be close to Covert. If I were going OPS mid level, then I would probably grab a Covert DT3 or 4 with a Kovalchuk pattern.

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