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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cobra vs Tuuk

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I, myself, would give for the Cobra's a try. Some guys really like them and some don't. Best to see for yourself and go from there.

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^^^ +1^^^

Depends on your skating style, skating ability, preference for positive vs negative pitch... and whether you partake if the TUUK uber alles kool-aid.... I've skated on nearly every model Tuuk since the late 1970's. Skated Perfeca, several iterations of SLM's, ICM's, & CCM Pro-Lites, E-Pros, and Cobras. I liked the Cobras.... The only blades that I pulled and replaced with TUUK's were worn out ICM's & CCM Prolite 3's. Otherwise I just profiled them and skated.

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I have grafts with cobra, ccms with EPRO and bauers with tuukplus. No issue switching between skates. I like the cobras and would not change. No issue between cobras and EPRO at start. Had to profile the Tuuk plus nope no issue there. The only issue I have is doing roller in ice the same week.

I heard about rust issues with cobras but have not had that problem. I am fussy with equipment care though.

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i heard that sometimes the graf steel is put in way too tight and it stresses the steel and when you get a new holder and steel to loosen it up then re-tighten it yourself, not ure how true that is or not.

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I had a pair of Graf for a while 4 I gave up on the fit. It took one maybe two games to get used to the Cobra, no issues after. In fact it may have helped me more. Went back to Bauer skate that fit better and had no problem.

Give them a few games then decide.

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