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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Store in New York City

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Most of the NYC locations have a limited supply, so if you plan on checking out a large selection of gear, your best bet is to hopefully have access to some transportation to get you to either Hockey Monkey in Woodbridge, NJ, or Pure Hockey in Fairfield NJ.

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Most of the NYC locations have a limited supply, so if you plan on checking out a large selection of gear, your best bet is to hopefully have access to some transportation to get you to either Hockey Monkey in Woodbridge, NJ, or Pure Hockey in Fairfield NJ.

How do the NJ stores compare to the online prices/selection on skates? I'm heading down to NNJ to visit some buddies and my BIL, and after seeing the discounts on Easton/Reebok skates I'm debating on stopping by either to get fitted and pick up a new pair.

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Hockeymonkey has a huge online presence, obviously, so does Pure Hockey. Their retail prices are the same usually as online, although discounts on both platforms are different (20% off everything etc). I got some great deals at HM though through 15% off clearance, and stacking discounts that way.

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DarkStar is known as a great fitter and his shop is across the river in NJ. I'd go there if I were looking for skates and visiting the area.

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Most of the NYC locations have a limited supply, so if you plan on checking out a large selection of gear, your best bet is to hopefully have access to some transportation to get you to either Hockey Monkey in Woodbridge, NJ, or Pure Hockey in Fairfield NJ.

If you have to pick one out of the two, go to Hockey Monkey. Pure Hockey never seems to have any inventory. The last two times I walked in, it looked like the store was closing. Not saying they are, or trying to start rumors, just an observation on how empty the store looks.

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