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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hey guys, I've been looking all over for a Green Easton Synergy ST. Remember the one Phaneuf used when he was with the Flames? I've had plenty of sticks over the years, but that was the one that did it. What do you guys think of it? Anything similar to it?

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If you're looking for exactly that ST, I wish you luck sir, that's long gone. I would think of the top of my head the Mako M5 is what it is now, maybe the V7, but I'm not too sure.

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I have one still intact that I used quite a few years back when I was a younger kid. I would love to use it now because our beer league has whalers jerseys and I think the green Easton St would look sick with them. Unfortunately its a 65 flex intermediate so its useless. If I ever saw one again I would definitely buy it though!

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The Mako M5 is the replacement for the ST. I loved the ST and and have been using the M5's since they switched. The only thing I don't like is the matte finish, but other then that it feels just like the ST.

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I loved the old Easton clear coat. It had a bit of tackiness to it, but their grip sticks were way too much. I'm not a fan of the matte, it gives that metal-spoon-scraping-brushed-metal-can vibration that sends irritating sensations down my spine.

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