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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tacki Mac Grips

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I'm just looking for some advice in tacki mac grips. As long as I can remember I have been taping my sticks with rolled up tape to make ribs and then wrapped with tape. But it seems that using tape starts to wear out my gloves. I came across the tacki macs and I'm thinking about giving them a try. I have it narrowed down to the wrapped grip with ribs or the pro ribbed grip. If anyone has tried either I'm just looking for some feedback on how they feel. Also which is closer to my normal tape job. Is there enough height in the ribs on the wrapped ribbed model. From the pictures the ribs aren't really that noticeable and I'm worried that u won't be able to feel them with my gloves. Any advice would be great

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The Kane grips have much bigger ribs, but no knob.

Personally I just started using stretch wrap over top of my normal tape job. Great grip, no wear to gloves, and I'm not stuck using one of their models, none of which are exactly right for me.

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