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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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DIY tongue customization?

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Heya, while I love my APX2 skates in terms of performance on the ice, I have no love for the tongue's protection. I just took a clapper right in the middle of the tongue, couldn't play afterwards. My previous skates were the 20Ks, I love the tongue's protection on them. Don't get me wrong, I love how the APX2's tongues flex and all.

So, like the title said, I wanted to beef up my APX2 tongues but I have no clue how to do so. I have to do it myself because we have no pro shop here. Additional information on what types of materials to use is welcomed too.

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Heya, while I love my APX2 skates in terms of performance on the ice, I have no love for the tongue's protection. I just took a clapper right in the middle of the tongue, couldn't play afterwards. My previous skates were the 20Ks, I love the tongue's protection on them. Don't get me wrong, I love how the APX2's tongues flex and all.

So, like the title said, I wanted to beef up my APX2 tongues but I have no clue how to do so. I have to do it myself because we have no pro shop here. Additional information on what types of materials to use is welcomed too.

If you are saying middle of the tongue like I think you are saying it, I'm assuming either your shin pads are too short, or you could try tucking the tongue under your shin pad (which could also result in buying a bigger shin pad).

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Get the Skate Fender Compact Pro- I have been slashed and took a fully wound-up shot and they definitely protect in that between the shin pad and skate area.

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