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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick flex trouble

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I cant seem to find the flex that is right for me. Im a very thin 5"10 so i dont want to go to a a shorter stick, but a 75 flex or 77 flex is not whippy enough for me. Any ideas?

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Are the intermediate sticks too short for you? Technically you could get an intermediate stick that has a flex that is less than 75. If its too short you could have it extended which would lower the flex even more.

You could go on a strict strength building routine and try to work your way into one of those senior 75 flex sticks. Rippetoes Starting Strength is an amazing routine and would be great to build some mass and quickly add strength to your entire body. Just google the program, it's easy to follow.

Some senior members of this forum may have better ideas though but both of those solutions seem good to me.

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Warrior makes a 70 Int that would probably be a good length for you, I'm 5'8", and got a DT1LT 55 that was just above the bottom of my chin in sneakers(didn't have to cut), and the 70 was right next to it on the rack- it looked ~2-3" longer.

I use a fairly short stick though, as I feel it helps keep me down, with my hands in front of me.

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