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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Snow Building up on Stick Blade

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Since i've been using wax, in certain rinks my stick has been building up snow on the blade which hinders my handle/shot. I really like the wax, im just wondering if there's better tape i should be using or is it the type of wax i use? (lucky stick wax)

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Probably the type of wax your using. I had same issue with Lucky Wax. It hardens as is gets cold and attracts snow build up. I switched to Performance Wax. Much softer and stays soft. No snow build up since the switch. Just my experience.

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Probably the type of wax your using. I had same issue with Lucky Wax. It hardens as is gets cold and attracts snow build up. I switched to Performance Wax. Much softer and stays soft. No snow build up since the switch. Just my experience.

OK thanks for the tip. Yeah i never noticed it much before. I'll try the performance wax.

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I dont seem to have these issues with Lucky Wax. Have you tried using more wax?

I tried the Mr.Zogs last night. Problem solved. Could also be a humidity/environmental thing that causes the issues.

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A thought as well, if you're taping from toe to heel and you're skating mostly forward it may build up a little more as well.

Yeah it wasnt just a build-up. It literally was like frozen to the front of the blade. I'd have to take my glove off and pull it out with my fingernail. I tried the Zogs last night and it builds up a little but wipes right off in one swipe and does not effect handling/accuracy. Problem solved.

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snap wax. not many people use or know of it. stays soft unilke other waxes i use and stays very tacky. its a bit more expensive than others but imo it is worth it. you still get some snow buildup which cannot be totally eliminated. The harder the ice/colder the rink, the higher chance you will get ice buildup... ie look at the end of the period at Rexall Place

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I'm not a big wax fan, i just use a little bit of the proformance wax base layer to try to keep ice from forming on the blade. It does seem to work. If you like to cake the wax on a little heavier i think mr zoggs is the way to go.

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