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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Who has experience with custom Bauer or Reebok?

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I'm going custom for sure, but whether it's reebok or bauer is in the air. If I go Bauer it's because overall I think their product feels better, better research and development and it seems that their skates last longer especially with curv composite. I am in between Supreme MX3s and Ribcors. Now does anyone have experience with either of these manufacturers in custom? Bauer will be $950 and Reebok is $800.00

MX3 Specs I want so far for an 8.5

Non flex tendon guard

No reflex tongue

280 Tuuk Edge

Injected lacing with extra megabits

Ribcor Specs I may want:

No pump

Custom tongue

Maybe added stiffness

I'm keeping the lace lock

Other than the obvious strange sizing/fit for my feet that's all I've got. What do you think?

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I'm a little confused on what you're having trouble deciding. You seem like you like the fit of Bauers better, you think they make a better product with better tech, and you think they'll last longer. Is it really just the $150 that's the difference or am I missing something?

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If you're going to go custom... then... just to throw it out there, you may want to look into VH Footwear as well:


All 3 seem to be in the same price range. My advice would be to wait to try on the retail Bauers and Reeboks before purchasing. If neither of those fit well, you may want to look into VH. Bauer and Reebok fit more like a box-type fit (fits a general shape, where there may be some areas of negative space), whereas the VH will fit closely like a boot (little to no negative space at all). For me, since I have oddly shaped feet that aren't similar to each other at all, going with VH made more sense. No product pimping from my end, but... yeah, just throwing the idea out there.

I always preach the 3 F's: Fit, Form, and Function.

Fit - how it feels around your foot

Form - materials/features used to construct the boot

Function - combination of fit and form to produce a product that performs the way you want and the desire to use it over and over

Right now, you seem to be focused on form. Just keep in mind that the Bauer boot is going to feel different than the Reebok boot. You need to try on both before jumping to a conclusion. Else, you may find you just spent $800+ on a product that doesn't function well enough for you.

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How are you getting pricing and are you going to a shop to get a mold of your feet done? My bigger LHS said they take 3D molds of your feet and send them to Bauer to make customs, which to me seems like the better option (comparing to taking pics of your feet or just trying to get measurements).

For the amount you are paying I don't think you'll go wrong either way - they should fit you like a glove and last a while unless you try to abuse them.

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Beat me to it. Haha!

Almost as important as the custom skate is the input you give to the person who is fitting you, as well as the experience of the person who is fitting you to translate that in to the boot you want.

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