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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shoulder Caps attached to suspenders

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Hey guys, just wondering if theres a best practice for attaching shoulder caps to suspenders (McSorley, Gretzky, etc.)? They look to be sewn on in the pictures, but just wondering if theres a different route you've seen? Thanks much.

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Holmstrom did the same thing, too. Most caps are attached with a strap so I would imagine that you could sew velcro to the suspender and to the strap attached to the cap. It would give you some ability to adjust the cap. If you are confident in having it the right length, you could sew the strap to the suspender or even use a pop rivet.


Here is a link to a post with Holmstrom's picture. His rig was pretty complex by the end of his career.


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Someone had his setup or so they said it was on Ebay not to long ago. It did look a lot like the link.

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Thanks Chadd. I've seen Holmstrom's rig before, effective, but a little too complicated. I just saw a picture of Shannahan's old caps; the strap that attaches to the cap was just sewn into a loop around the suspender. I might give that a shot as the easiest, non-permanent experiment to see if it moves around too much.

EDIT: After a little more thought, I'm going to make a tri glide buckle out of leather and attach the strap to that. That way I can adjust it, but it shouldn't shift around too much in play.

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