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HELP! looking for large goalie skates

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Hello everyone, well I have extremely large feet and I really love the goalie position. Im basically new to it and have been slowly picking it up. I have all of the gear except for goalie skates. I currently just wear my player skates because that's all I have. I wear a size 15 shoe (US size chart) and im wondering if anyone has an idea of wear I could find or get at least a size 13 or 13.5 goalie skate????

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I'm going to ask a question, my intention isn't to sound like a dick.

Are you SURE of what size you need? The only reason I ask is that when I hear people mention their shoe size, I always ask if they are getting their skate size by simply subtracting 1.5 sizes...which is not a very accurate way of sizing for skates. Have you been fitted before (for either player or goalie)? Have you tried on a 12.5 or even a 12?

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Ya ive been fitted for my player skates which are size 14 which I think i could go a little lower thats why i say 13.5 or 13. Im not sure becasue it was awhile ago but i think i tried on a size 12 or 12.5 goalie skate and it wasnt like unbearable so i think i could easily get away with either a 12.5 or a 13. I am going to have to go back to a hockey store to try on sizes to get an idea.

Thanks for your input. I dont take anything personal haha. I take any advice i can get

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One.9's go as big as size 14

And any Bauer dealer should be able to order them for you

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