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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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XXX"S or Synergy skates

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You should get the one that fits your foot, not neccessarily either of these two, because if you don't, you won't like them because your feet wll be in pain.

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well you might just not be able to get a synergy... theyre not moldable so if they dont fit your feet its no good... but XXXs on the other hand are moldable so theyre a little more versitle in that aspect. i havent skated in the XXXs but i did like the synergy before the normal D width hurt my EEE wide feet.. if the XXXs are better than the XXs (which i loved) go for them..

but base your decision on fit

theres a summary of what is posted on this board A BILLION TIMES ;)

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they fit completely different so if one fits, the other one doesnt. Its not rocket science but people seem to think they can jam their feet into certain skates that arent remotely close to their foot type.

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I am about to buy a new pair of skates and I was sondering if I should get ther XXX's or synergy skates and why?

If you're lucky enough to live close to a good LHS, try both skates on and buy the one that fits best.

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The Synergy skate isn't for everybody... in fact, it's not for most players. IMO, you should be a bigger/heavier guy, feet full grown, and should have durability issues with other skate models. The Synergys are SO STIFF, it's tough to even tie them up tight. The Vapor XXXs will probably feel the same way at first, but at least you know they're going to soften up... I'd say try them both on if you can, give them both some serious time as far as having them on your feet, walking around, checking the boot flex, etc. and make your decision from there.

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the last 10 or so pairs of skates i have had, roller or ice, i have needed a good 7-10 games before there was no more pain in skating in them. i have had the synergies for 8 games now, and 1 stick time pick up (that lasted 3hrs) and my feet have felt great everytime afer each game. This just means that the skates fit my feat perfectly, but that doesnt mean they will do the same for you. my feet are wider then a regular, but not as wide as a "wide" width. so these skates, in a W fit perfect.

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I have been skating in Synergys for a month now and they are really nice. I been having issues with my left heel going numb. My foot is still swollen from a break in July. The right skate is perfect. No problems. I recently just purchased the XXX and I will skate in them tomorrow and see the difference. Just hoping that my heel is ok in these.

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yeah, can you please reply back and tell me which skates you like better and why?

I'd say theres a 99% chance he'll like the ones which fit better, and exactly for that reason.

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yeah, can you please reply back and tell me which skates you like better and why?

It doesn't matter which one he or anyone else likes better, all that matters is which one fits you best. Just because a skate is awesome and perfect for someone else doesn't mean it will be good for you.

Find out which skate is best for your foot type and if you can try it on and that's the one you should go with.

I made a big mistake when I bought my CCM Pro Tacks, they are AWESOME skates and I love them, except they are completely wrong for my foot type and I have pain when wearing them because I have a high arch and the Pro Tacks have a very low arch. Don't make the same mistake I did and don't get caught up in all the marketing hype.

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im kinda the same way with my synergys. i love the skate but for me the fit is really good its just so stiff that its hard for me to take advantage of at my size. it also has started to chew my ankle up too which is gonna be an issue...

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Ok here is the low down. Both are very nice skates. With that said. My left foot was broken in july so the is my problem foot.

The synergys skates make my left heel go numb so that is why I got the XXX. The synergys skates feel fasted to me. Starting and stopping are really good. The xxx fit awsome and my heel did not go numb in them and I did not get the blister on the ankle. I will skate in the xxx again on thursday and see how they skate but they are very comfortable. I like them both so it will be a hard decision which one to keep.

Synergy 10.5reg and the xxx is a 10 ee

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