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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Is there a way that we could have sections on this website where people vote for particular peices of equipment and review them? Kinda like giving a pair of gloves a 1 through 10 rating. Then maybe post reviews down below it. Has anyone thought about doing this?

Just wonderin...

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Well at the end of each review there is an overall score so you should be able to look at all the final scores and get a general idea of how good or bad the product was.

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Do not do this. A rating scale of 1-10 is much too general for describing the overall performance of the piece of equipment. If you've noticed in the reviews posted here, each category of the equipment (i.e. fit, shooting/receiving passes, durability, etc.) has its own individual 1-10 rating. An overall score is then presented at the end. A single, general 1-10 score does not provide very useful information.

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i guess you all have some good points - i guess i just wanted some easier way to see a rating on a particular product without having to read pages and pages of stuff - i didnt mean to offend anyone

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You didn't offend anyone. It's just that MSH is not like Epuck where subjective (due to new equipment excitement, inadequate usage, company bias, etc.) reviews are often posted. MSH is at the forefront of the hockey 'gear head' community. Consumer reviews have a very strong influence on consumer purchasing. This is especially true of hockey equipment since it is expensive and would be out of reach for most people to buy something just to 'test it out'. People rely on reviews like these to make purchasing decisions. MSH recognizes this and has set policies on what and what not to do in a review posted here. The integrity of equipment reviews here need to be set a high level simply because MSH has a responsibility to provide a fair and unbias view.

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