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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First time buying goalie gear - need help

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So I am trying to buy goalie gear piece by piece until I have a full set so I, or someone else around my size can play goalie if we need one.

I am trying to get stuff as CHEAP as possible, but keeping in mind Im buying it over the span of a month, so I can try to look for decent equipment for a good price.

I dont care at all how it looks, just that it will be good for C and D level ice hockey.

So far I got skates for $11 ($1 + $10 shipping)


This blocker for $25 (I dont care that its pink, ill paint it if it ends up bothering me)


I still need to get everything else though. Currently looking through ebay for deals.

The only things I really need advice on is leg pads and helmet.

Are helmets just "adult" size, and then you adjust everything else? I know this is a very important piece of equipment, but if I can find a decent one on ebay id rather just get that.

What do you guys think of itech helmets like this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/151361477152?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649

As far as leg pads go, I dont know what size I should be looking for. Im 5'9", and wear a 14" shin pad (i dont flop the tongue out). I saw a few ways to calculate pad size, but I dont understand why they incorporate skate size (seems like it shoudnt matter).

I know the BEST way would be to go to a store and try some on, but I feel like an asshole doing that since I dont plan on spending that much on pads. I just need something that is good enough.

Let me know if I should take some measurements or whatever to try and figure out the right size.

Thanks for any advice!

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Don't skimp on the mask. Find out what model # that Itech is, the lower end ones are referred to as the Widow Maker.

Also check craigslist.

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There's also plenty of very valuable information posted in many other similarly titled topics in this Goal Eq. section. Poke around through them all and I'm sure you'll find answers to all of your questions.

thanks, Ill check those out!

Don't skimp on the mask. Find out what model # that Itech is, the lower end ones are referred to as the Widow Maker.

Also check craigslist.

How does this one look?


I want something good enough, and this looks pretty decent.

On the other hand, if I am gonna spend $$$ on one thing, its gonna be a helmet, that way even if I do upgrade other stuff ill have a decent helmet already.

How about this one too:


Besides those, what are some I should be looking at, and how much should I look tp spend?

And any advice on leg pas sizing?

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Pad size will depend on a few measurements. I am roughly the same size as you as well (5 '9" 14" shin pads). I would say I have a larger torso and slightly shorter legs because for my player gear I wear medium for everything up top and small for everything else.

When I do the ankle-to-knee + knee-to-mid-thigh + skate size measurement I'm about 34" in a pad. I found it more comfortable to be in either a 32 or 33" pad with a +1 or 2 thigh rise. When you begin to play goal you'll most likely go through a couple of pairs of pads before you start figuring out what you like/don't like. If you're looking for resale value in a pad I would suggest going with something more modern (11" wide) otherwise the older pads tend to be a harder sell.

As for your mask I would recommend looking into something from the smaller manufacturers like Hackva, Sportmask, Protech Sport or Eddy. They'll have new masks in the $300-350 range that will be better than anything you can find from the bigger companies like Bauer, Reebok/CCM.

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Does anyone else here play goalie? I just started gathering equipment to play net on occasion. I got some cheap skates off eBay and tried skating around a little in them yesterday.

I know skating in goalie skates is very different in the first place, but I could barely even skate around in them.

To compare, because I'm used to the mako pitch, I literally cannot Skate in vapors anymore with tuuks on them, so the fact that it's pretty flat could be part of the reason. As an example, I also just put hilos on a pair of conversions, and felt awful until I added a 7mm shim.

Should I try adding a shim to the goalie skates I have, or should I just get used to them the way they are?

I'm thinking a shim as of right now.

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I wouldn't put any shims on them - it probably won't help. From the sounds of it your experience so far was probably skating in them the same way you would player skates, which they aren't made for.

Trust me, all the weirdness about them will make sense after you start doing goalie-specific movements with the equipment on (assuming there isn't something crazy wrong with the skates you got).

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Don't put shims in them. You'll be fine after a while but you'll have to learn how to skate a completely different way. It took me a while to adjust from a goalie skate to player skate but now it feels like second nature.Just don't expect to me moving around like a star because you can skate as a player well, they are 2 very different skill sets.

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Just to chime in on the mask subject, protech sport has the most affordable custom made masks as far as I've found. ½ the price of any of the major brands and as someone mentioned above, far superior in quality. The only problem is they have like a 2 ½ month wait currently. I needed a new mask for this season and couldn't wait, so I picked up a mid level vaughn which will be my backup once I get my protech sport next season.

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