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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Dynasty AX1 vs AX2 Gloves: Differences?

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None of my local retailers have either of these gloves in stock.

Just wondering what the main differences are. Currently have a pair of Luxes, but are pretty worn. I find the covert line too tight, and not crazy about the fingers.

Anyone have either of the Dynasty models or try them on?

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What is the fit like on the glove? Similar to the Bonafide X, but with the segmented cuff?

Loved the feel of the Bonafide X in store, but didn't like the restrictive cuff.

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I have the AX1's. I'd say they fit pretty close to traditional but it is a bit tighter in the backhand which is possibly due to them not being broken in yet? Hope it helps, I used Bully's (as well as others) before I got these.

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