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CCm Resistance Helmet Full shield options

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Hi Guys,

Am new here to the forum and was seeking some advice from the many experienced members here.

Was looking to change my helmet which currently is a rbk 7k and half shield.

Wife went to watch some of my matches and unfortunately saw some unfortunate accidents that happened despite it being a no checking beer league.

From then on its either full cage or full shield... as the missus says

Looking at the CCM resistance helmet and I dont like cage so was wondering if most of the full shields will work.

I asked a rep at H.M. and he said the bauer and avision will both work on the resistance but I am feeling abit skeptical and wanted to be sure as I am from overseas and cant go to a store to test and check it out.

Any advice would be helpful.

Thanks guys

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bgdawg... On your resistance helmet, do the pads that sit halfway up contact your head? On mine, the top and side pads touch, but there is space between the other pads that sit on a 45 degree angle and my head. I am just wondering if this compromises protection. I do find the helmet to be nice and snug, yet still very comfortable.

Edit... how do I quote on this forum? I tried to quote but it doesn't show up.

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bgdawg... On your resistance helmet, do the pads that sit halfway up contact your head? On mine, the top and side pads touch, but there is space between the other pads that sit on a 45 degree angle and my head. I am just wondering if this compromises protection. I do find the helmet to be nice and snug, yet still very comfortable.

Edit... how do I quote on this forum? I tried to quote but it doesn't show up.

you know, I never thought about it since it felt so nice. when I get home tonight I will throw it on and see for sure.

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you know, I never thought about it since it felt so nice. when I get home tonight I will throw it on and see for sure.

Thanks. I started a new thread addressing this issue so as not to highjack the OP's thread. I added a picture to show the pads that do not contact my head, and I used a drinking straw inserted through the vent holes to determine if they touched. It's hard to tell if they are touching or not when you put it on your head unless you insert an object into the vent holes. Here is my thread...


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Thanks bgdawg019 for the feedback, have placed order for mine and hope that all works well when it arrives.

OptimusReim , thanks for the tip and gonna hold out on the shield for now.

Good luck. For what it's worth, it seems that with this bucket, the size ran big. I'm a 7 1/2 fitted and wear a med very comfy with this helmet.

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