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bauer nxg skates

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I have a pair of bauer nxg skates and im not a big fan of the tongue has anyone changed out the tongue was it better or worse and did it effect the volume of the skates , thanks in advance

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A lot of people don't like the tongue. Which is why 99.9% of pro stock NXGs feature either a: custom thick black felt, Vapor APX2. APX, or One95 type tongue. It all comes down to preference. A vapor APX2 tongue is thicker, affects volume (if your boot is tight already, don't use this double felt tongue) and I found that it pushes your foot back into the skate, while the one95 tongue is thinner and creates less push on the top of the foot, which allows you to have more forward flex.

For me, I like the Vapor APX2 tongue because it's thicker, more comfortable feeling on your foot and allows you tighten up pretty tight without lace bite... but, unfortunately, I had problems with volume. My foot would fall asleep, my toes felt smashed inside the toe cap and curled as a result... creating a rather uncomfortable skate.

On the other hand, the one95 tongue is good, but not great. It's thin... and I found that there is a very FINE line between lace bite and no lace bite (too tight-> lace bite vs. not tight enough-> ankle wobble).

There are other tongues out there (like Grafs or A & R or Reebok 20K...etc). Again, it's a gamble. Unless you've used the tongue before and know it's properties, it becomes a shot in the dark as to how well it'll adapt to your NXGs.

Below are the more popular tongues you'll find in use on pro stock skates (if it works for the pros, it'll definitely work for you!):

One95 tongue:


Graf-like tongue:


APX tongue:


APX2 Tongue:


Vapor X60 tongue:


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thanks for the very detailed response exactly what I was looking for , from the looks of it the apx tongue may work the best for me as it looks to be thin, thanks a million

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I switched the tongues on my MX3 to APX2 tongues after one skate with the stock MX3 tongues.

The MX3/NXG tongues are such an odd design IMO. I very rarely talk to someone who likes the tongues.

I have to leave my laces just a tad looser to help with volume now, but it was definitely a huge improvement in the skates for me.

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I switched the tongues on my MX3 to APX2 tongues after one skate with the stock MX3 tongues.

The MX3/NXG tongues are such an odd design IMO. I very rarely talk to someone who likes the tongues.

I have to leave my laces just a tad looser to help with volume now, but it was definitely a huge improvement in the skates for me.

I tried on Supreme 190s and MX3s the other day and the MX3 tongue was just too odd for me too. Rest of the skate felt fine, but the tongue was uncomfortable. 190 I felt like I could wear for days - completely comfortable.

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Good postings on the options that are available to help replace the tongue.

Just out of curiosity, has anyone really felt the beneficial effects of the flex tongue.

Thing I definitely felt was lace bite...lots of it

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I tried on Supreme 190s and MX3s the other day and the MX3 tongue was just too odd for me too. Rest of the skate felt fine, but the tongue was uncomfortable. 190 I felt like I could wear for days - completely comfortable.

Yep, I should have just requested 190's instead... I was just replacing my One.9's. Although the small features on the MX3 are a nice touch...

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I love the one 90 tongue but I am afraid to put it on my nxg cause I will lose volume for sure my feet are in there pretty tight , where is everyone getting these tongues to swap out id like to get the apx tongue if anyone has a set for sell please let me know thanks

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The only time I've found tongues is either: They were ordered that way (MX3's I currently own were someone else's who custom ordered them with a one95 tongue) OR you'll have to wait and see if someone sells a pair of tongues that were removed/swapped out for something else OR sometimes you'll see them available at team sales (NHL, AHL, etc.)

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Mc88 since you have the modified skates with tongues, do you see this as a simple swap and stitch job (e.g. a seamstress will be able to do) or does it require special work to have it replaced

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My MX3's came customized already. They were bought used from someone on eBay who custom ordered them that way.

As for the APX2 tongues, I bought them from another member on here. He took them off his skates and swapped it with some other tongues. I used the APX2 tongues for custom VH Footwear skates. VH skates use a velcro tongue system, so stitching was not needed. I used a very strong glue to glue a velcro strip on top of the tongues.

However, you can do it yourself with a speedy stitcher sewing awl. While it may not look as clean as a pair of retail skates, it will work. There is an old tutorial here that goes through specifics: Instructional: DIY Skate Tongue Replacement

If you go the professional route, your seamstress/local EQM will need to have an industrial sewing machine and carpet thread: The needle will have to go through a layer of plastic, leather, and double felt, and the carpet thread will have to hold it all together. They'll most likely have to create new holes since the pre-stitched holes in the materials may not line up perfectly.

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Speedy stitcher worked fine on mine. Some black dye on the threads to hide your work and it looks great. I did 2 rows of stitches all the way across the toe cap. I'm a perfectionist, so it took me quite a while to get it perfect, but I couldn't be happier with the results.

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