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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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bag with silent wheels

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Guys, I need a help

Now I use reebok 14k 36"

It's almost ok but there are three issues: too small (it's hard to pack all stuff quickly), wears quickly (main zipper is completely broken) and too noisy - I mean everyone knows when I'm coming to get some ice practice -)

So now I'm looking for a new not so bulky wheeled bag with silent (silicon i.e.) wheels

There are few models I choose:

- Easton Stealth RS (looks like too large)

- Easton E500 (but the LHS has it only in red)

- Warrior Covert (also too bulky and it's really expensive)

- Bauer Premium 33 - but here I'm no sure about wheels

Any ideas? Thanks in advance!

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I have the Easton E500 wheel-less bag and I like it a lot. It still looks brand new after a year of use. I recommend getting skate guards or throwing down a towel in the skate compartment as it seems like the material would tear easy if your blades came in contact with it. It also lacks a compartment for miscellaneous items, but other than that, it fits all of my gear perfectly. Can't you order it online? You may be able to snag it for a better deal and get your choice of color rather than buying it at your local hockey store.

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^ LOL, what he said. Not sure why noise is an issue, if it is that noisy then maybe the bearings are shot. You got to realize that most hockey bags use wheels about the size of roller blade wheels, I have never seen a whisper quiet roller blade, only way to quiet it down is walk slower imo..

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^ LOL, what he said. Not sure why noise is an issue, if it is that noisy then maybe the bearings are shot. You got to realize that most hockey bags use wheels about the size of roller blade wheels, I have never seen a whisper quiet roller blade, only way to quiet it down is walk slower imo..

Man, you've made my day -)))))

Let me guess the best on solution is just to stay - no noise at all!

get soft 74a indoor hockey wheels. these bags probably use a hard outdoor 82-84a wheels.

Got in, thanks!

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