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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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APX2 Width Fit Question

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First off this is my first post on the site so hello all. Now to the question. After much trial and error and getting "professionally" fitted (sarcasm) I think I have finally found my proper fit. I am down 2 1/2 sizes down from my normal shoe size to 7.5 in APX2s. Heel lock is perfect but now after breaking in I can no longer touch the front of the skate with my toes. When I was getting fitted it could brush the front of the skate if I reached out but no longer. The width seems just perfect but my feet do get a little numb, I figured its all part of the breaking in. If I drop down to 7 to fix the length issue should I up the width to EE to keep the rest of the fit right? I know my best bet is going to get professionally fitted (which I will) but you guys seems to know what you are talking about and I would like to know your opinions. Thanks in advance.

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Easiest solution for you, if you can, go to a store and try on a 7EE. If it fits, great, if not, then you can try a Supreme D (it's a bit wider than a Vapor D but not as wide as a Vapor EE, but you may have some issues with heel lock, however worth trying on). "A little numb" is not a good thing. From the sounds of it... a width issue. Over time, this could lead to Haglunds or bunions.

While touching the toe cap may be considered "ideal," it's not required. As long as your foot isn't sliding back and forth a lot and you're not getting lace-bite, then I don't see a problem with having a skate that's a bit large.

However, these are your feet, so it's up to your personal preference. I'd recommend doing the above first, then seeking custom as a third or even fourth option (exploring outside of Bauer to: CCM, Easton, Graf, etc).

Edit: Almost forgot: You can get the skates punched/stretched width-wise. It'd be the cheapest solution for you.

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It depends on how much length you have spare. Laces out, pull the tongue right out, put yr foot in the skate and push it forward until your toes brush the toe cap. If you can fit a pencil down the back of yr heel then you should consider dropping in size. If you only have a mm or 2 then you are fine.

As to numb feet, this can be caused by a multitude of issues anywhere on the feet. Normally it's because the laces are too tight or you don't have enough width across the forefoot. However not enough width normally leads to sore points on the feet which you can fix with a spot punch. I always recommend getting a boot spot punched out rather than buying a wider boot. With time the boot will widen to your foot but it takes up to 10 solid skates before you start to see any results.

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If everything is perfect, but you get a bit numb, odds are you are tying the skates a bit too tight. If this isn't the case, punches in the areas of pressure can help. If it's just barely numb, consider maybe wearing thinner socks than what you wear while skating.

Have you rebaked since your initial fitting?

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Thank for all of your advice. I went to the local shop tonight and spent a couple hours trying a bunch of different skates on. I think the Bauer Supreme MX3s in size 7D may be it. Toes just brush the toecap, no pressure points and I dont have to crank down on the laces to get a secure feeling. Just felt great even before baking them. Be looking out on Ebay for some APX2s in good condition very soon! Thank again.

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