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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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30K or 28K Skates

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Did a quick search, but didn't find much info.

Anybody here wearing the Ribcore 30K or 28K skates? If so, what are your thoughts? How long have you had them? Opinions on durability?

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I got the 28 k in March the day they came out. I absolutely love them. I skate 2 -3 times a week and they are still like new. They aren't breaking down at all. The main differences between the 2 is that the 30k has a slightly upgraded quarter package and upgraded steel. Don't know if you'd be able to tell the differences between the 2 once they are on your feet. I reccomend going with the 28k because they are great skates and you'll save yourself a few bucks over the 30k.

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I got the 30ks a couple months ago and I dig them quite a bit. I'm coming from an old pair of Pro Tacks, so they feel incredibly light and responsive, although most any modern skate probably would. I was mainly interested in the fit, as these fit the closest for me to the Pro Tacks I was coming from. I can't speak to durability as I've only had them for a few months. There was almost no break in time for me and it was easy to really dial in a good fit using the lace locks and pump, and I find I don't really need the pump as my heel locks fine without it.

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I'm speaking of the Jr. Skates, so take it's for what it's worth(for those that use the search function) but I'm surprised with how soft they are. Jr. use HD as opposed to EPP foam in the quarter, for what it's worth.

She has skated in them for 6? Months, and has not complained, but I'd have gone 30K if I had to do it over...

When I say soft, I mean REALY SOFT, like more than her Bauer Vapor 5.0's after close to a year of work(5+ hours of ice a week)...

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have the 28K, they are great love them. the only issues I have is they gone soft very quick at the top(ankles) not sure why could be that I need stiffer boot because I'm a stronger skater then I though.

considering to upgrade to the ribcor when they go on sale..

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This is great feedback and I appreciate it.

I think stiffness is a subjective thing, so for those who say they've gone soft quickly, would you say that they are softer than the old leather skates? I would think not, but thought I'd ask. I grew up in old school skates like Daoust 301 and Micron Mega 10-90, so I prefer that sort of feel. I don't need a stiff boot to keep from bottoming out, so think this might be the perfect skate for me.

Thanks again for the input!

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The newer skates are stiffer than any of the older skates. I was in my ccm super tacks for well over 20 years until I got my 28ks and the 28 are stiffer than my supers ever were. Even if they do soften up a bit they will still be stiffer than the older skates. If you liked the feel of your older skates than I think the 28k will be just fine for you.

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