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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Yesterday I picked up my Muskoka ZR 900's that I left at my lhs in August before I left to be repalmed with goatskin, and they feel GRRREAT. It does though feel like it will take a while to break them in in terms of the palms forming to my hand shape, but they feel like new, don't stink anymore, and I can't wait to play in them.

On a side note, I also received my supplement order of glutamine peptides and creatine ethlyl ester today after ordering them yesterday, which also makes me stoked. Between the influences of these 3 things, I will be a wrecking ball in the second half of our season...

Bring on the shit-talkin Theo, I'm ready...

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Yesterday I picked up my Muskoka ZR 900's that I left at my lhs in August before I left to be repalmed with goatskin, and they feel GRRREAT. It does though feel like it will take a while to break them in in terms of the palms forming to my hand shape, but they feel like new, don't stink anymore, and I can't wait to play in them.

On a side note, I also received my supplement order of glutamine peptides and creatine ethlyl ester today after ordering them yesterday, which also makes me stoked. Between the influences of these 3 things, I will be a wrecking ball in the second half of our season...

Bring on the shit-talkin Theo, I'm ready...

REally, really good idea.

The standard palms on the 900s are ok, but they have this annoying seam that's so big it gives you blisters. Otherwise, awesome gloves, especially because they're so damn cheap.

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