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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mesh vs knit socks

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I realize I'm quite a bit behind in that mesh socks are not a new item to hit the pro shops but I have a 29" inseam and with regular knit socks I have quite a bit of extra sock I have to pull up to my crotch and last night I even folded some over at the top.

Are the mesh socks the same as far as how much the stretch? I like my socks pulled tight. I'm hoping mesh may fix this issue?

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Depends on the company and the sock. The ones I got from K1 were so large that most guys could have used their intermediate size.

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Depends on the company and the sock. The ones I got from K1 were so large that most guys could have used their intermediate size.

Yep I had to send a whole teams worth of socks to exchange for their intermediate size.

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