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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do I catch my outside edge?

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I've recently starting skating a few months ago and I'm having a significant amount of trouble with my outside edge. I can't seem to tilt my ankle the proper way. I'm not sure where my weight should be placed and I generally don't put any weight at all on the foot using the outside edge because it feels like I'm bending my ankle too much. I'm not sure how to fix this problem. How is your ankle supposed to look in the skate?

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If you're turning on your outside edge, start by placing weight on your heels and dip your hip in the direction you want to go while keep shoulders parallel with the ice. As your crossover out of the turn your weight transfers from the back of your skate to your toe as you stride. Also important to get the foot you're using your outside edge on in front of your body and keep your butt low.

Remember to turn your head and stick in direction you want to go which will allow your body to come through the turn.

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Here s my 2 cent

posture should be like the italic 4

mantra: skate hips on down.

As a skate instructor im checking for posture & proper fitting and laced skates.


1.Today u have you tube post a video of ur skating and I find giving verbal feedback along with the video analysis helps you to become aware of the good and understand what you need to improve.

for beginner skaters

2. Highly recommend rollerblading as a complement to ice skating.

3. Check ur flexibility in the ankles knees and hips -if you can do a 180 heel ballet plies or "spread eagle heel"

what im looking for is the ability to follow a circle with both skates on the same glide a dnd skate path on cross over and tight turns

Hope that helps

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I like doing the drill at 1:05. Makes you feel that outside edge and engage it better for turns and crossovers.


I also found it helped cure my "floppy ankles" when I first started out. If you can skate the inside, and skate the outside, it makes it pretty easy to stay centered on the flat.

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It's not uncommon for a lot of newer skaters to have issues like this. It's a lot easier when the skate is outside your shoulders and away from your center of gravity. As your skating improves, it becomes easier to do it when the skates are directly under you.

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