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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wood Ball vs Smart Ball vs Green Biscuit

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Back in the day I used to use golf balls for warmup, and screwing around at home. Then came the swedish ball and I used that through high school and college. As an adult league player, in the early fall and late spring, I'm in between seasons as I play at a couple ice rinks to get the most ice time. However, from now until Thanksgiving, I'm on a 1 game a week schedule and want to keep my stickhandling up to snuff or even get quicker. So just looked up some training aids and wondering about some of the new stuff. My goal is to speed up my stickhandling and improve my all around handling(not just in front of me). I'll likely screw around on a tile, linolium, or smooth garage floor. Out of a golf ball, wood ball, smart ball, and green biscuit, what would be best? I have a homemade fasthands, so i'll probably mess with that too. Suggestions? Horror stories?

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I saw a couple days ago, in an article, Sean Skinner was quoted say that one should use a wooden ball. I believe he said that since it slides quick than (inducing faster hands) and its weight is relative to an ice hockey puck, that the wooden ball is good for off-ice training. I'd like to try for myself having never used one before. I'll try to look for the article so that my words are credible.

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I saw a couple days ago, in an article, Sean Skinner was quoted say that one should use a wooden ball. I believe he said that since it slides quick than (inducing faster hands) and its weight is relative to an ice hockey puck, that the wooden ball is good for off-ice training. I'd like to try for myself having never used one before. I'll try to look for the article so that my words are credible.

I used the wood ball for a few years and would agree that it works wonders. Tad different from a puck, but does get your hands moving quicker. I think the goal of the wood balls is speed, not feel due to it being so differnt from a puck.

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have you also checked into availability of stick and puck sessions?I like the green biscuit, largely due to it matching the shape of a puck. The sound isn't as good as a wooden ball though =( and you need to have a pretty smooth surface for it.

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Yeah, and part of where I live has to do with open sessions. I work 45 mins from home. The closest rink to from work is 45+ min and the closest from home is 45+ the other direction. I also work 6a-4p. The ice rinks around me(West Mi) all have lunch rat, morning rat, etc. Being in a management position, I don't really have the opportunites to leave long enough at lunch. Winters work well for me though because I build a 2500 sqft rink in my yard so I get plenty of ice once it's cold enough. So I'm just waiting for the cold temps.

I said screw it and just bought all three and I'll try out the new stuff.

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ah, perhaps I am of benefit in that my towns rink doesn't even have a league playing out of it right now, so the sticks and pucks hours/drop in hours work to my advantage! that and my rotating between nights and days working 12's,

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