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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Worth putting holder on RX60?

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Hey fellas,

I am not all that up to date with the latest and greatest... hopefully this is a legit question.

In 2011, I played roller exclusively. Picked up some RX60s for whatever retail was - alot. Anyway, they were awesome skates, but I only used them for two seasons before moving. Fast forward to early last year - I started playing ice and got Bauer Vapor 7.0s. The RX60/X60s were the top skate back then. Are they better than my newer 7.0s?

I hate to have them just sit around when I paid something like $600 a few years ago. At first, I was going to just play around in the street with them, but haven't yet. Now I have the itch to throw holders on them despite my 7.0s being a great skate. Any opinions? Leave RX60 as inline to putz around the neighborhood practicing, or holder it up and use them over my newer but lower model 7.0s?



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I have XR5's and a spare set of LS holders and was contemplating the same, even though my X7.0's are great.

why not have a 2nd pair!?

If I do it, I'll use t-nuts and machine screws so I can convert them annually.

Do it. You can't skate inline when there's snow on the sidewalks.

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My holdup is that I wouldn't mind banging around the driveway when its warm. But it seems silly to do it in those skates, given their price back in the day.

I think I would really only do it if they would actually be a better skate than the 7.0.

You mention hardware - you would do it yourself? That tough?


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Is yours the X7.0, as in the top of the line skate from 4 years ago (before the APX?)


They won't be better, but they will be very good or near similar. Do it if you have a reason for a 2nd set of good skates (one for rink, one for pond)

hardware is pretty simple:



You'd have to grind off the tabs on the t-nuts (they'd crack a carbon sole) or bed them in a dab of epoxy or JB Weld to keep them from twisting when you tighten the bolts.

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I am not super knowledgable about the Bauer inline lineup, especially from about three years ago, but the X7.0 is the same skate in terms of tech as the X:60. The APX was the top of the line in that generation, but that's because it was one of Bauer's first skates with a composite quarter. Your X7.0s were also $600 when new, and are most comparable to the X90 in this year's lineup. They are selling for around 300-350 now because retailers are clearing out old stock, not because they are a middle of the line skate.

In short, no, I would not add a holder to the RX:60. Lot of cost for no improvement over what you have now.

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they won't be better, but they will be very good or near similar. Do it if you have a reason for a 2nd set of good skates (one for rink, one for pond)

FWIW, I want to do it with my XR5's for pond hockey skates...I'm spoiled by my X7.0's and my 25 year-old pond hockey Bauers are just not as stiff as I'm now used to!!

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To clarify, I was under the impression you'd be using these instead of your 7.0s. I don't see the point in that. If you'd rather have a second pair of ice skates though, go for it.

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