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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Covert QR 1 VS QR Pro

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Currently using a Warrior Widow SE. Just wondering what the main differences are between the two top QR sticks are besides the 40 gram weight difference. The QR pro is $80 cheaper, which is significant.

Would the Pro be a step up or down compared to my Widow?

Anyone try either or both of these high end QR sticks?

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Can't speak to the widow comparison as I've never used a widow before. I have however used both the QR1 and QRPRO.

IMO, and this is just my personal preference, I like the QRPRO better as I find that there is a bit more feel for the puck off the blade.

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The QR1 is lighter in weight however both sticks are very well balanced. QR1 has some slightly raised bumps along the shaft edges and the QRPRO does not. QRPRO shaft feels a bit beefier than QR1. Found the QR1 to have a bit quicker release as advertised but I personally don't mind the difference in release time.

And as mentioned earlier, the QRPRO has a better puck feel IMO.

I actually prefer the AX1 ST, but both these sticks are very well made IMO.

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I preferred the DT1 ST to the LT so I imagine it would still hold. I like the feel of the higher fuse point and the fact that I can use a 75 flex stick and not worry about it torqueing open on me.

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Looking at ordering this stick, but I'm not sure if I should get the 75 flex, or the 85 flex. My current Widow SE is 85 flex. Would the stiffness on the Pro be similar?

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