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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fixing a hot spot?

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See that dark line just to the left of the 2nd eyelet? The plastic on the outside of the skate where it ends is slightly poking through the inner liner into my ankle and creating a hotspot

Spot heating and bending the area out isn't helping much.

Anything else I can do? Maybe just a little moleskin over it?

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I had it baked at my LHS yesterday. Spot heating was done by me after skating for the first time.

I'll skate on them again and see if it's better. It not, I'll look into having it punched out. What's that normally cost?

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If they're brand new skates, skate in them a little bit and break them in. If extremely uncomfortable, you could use something to pad that area temporarily until it breaks in. If it doesn't break it, get it punched. Store that sold you the skates should punch at no cost usually, but even if they charged you, it should be no more than $5-$10.

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I spot treat and punch myself. I use a heat gun ($40, Lowes) and the blunt end of a screw driver. Heat up on medium-low for a few minutes, then press that area out. Hold for 5-6 minutes, then toss in the freezer/fridge.

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If they're brand new skates, skate in them a little bit and break them in. If extremely uncomfortable, you could use something to pad that area temporarily until it breaks in. If it doesn't break it, get it punched. Store that sold you the skates should punch at no cost usually, but even if they charged you, it should be no more than $5-$10.

Bought on Hockey Monkey, baked at PureHockey.

Would a real boot repair shop be able to do this?

I was thinking a tiny bit of padded moleskin would be adequate. It's such a small amount. Granted, I'll give them a skate before I go that route.

I spot treat and punch myself. I use a heat gun ($40, Lowes) and the blunt end of a screw driver. Heat up on medium-low for a few minutes, then press that area out. Hold for 5-6 minutes, then toss in the freezer/fridge.

Yeah, I tried that. I have a dual temp heatgun I use for autobody stuff that I tried that with almost exactly.

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Hey out of curiosity how much did pure hockey charge for the bake? I just got a pair of tacks online and am debating how/where to get them baked

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Wait, you got your skates @ purehockey, and they charged you THIRTY bucks to bake them?? Even if you got them someplace else, $30 is ridiculous.

So the heat gun plus screw driver didn't work...Can you try something that can hold the spot for even longer? I'm thinking a wooden block cut to size that fits in there?

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Wait, you got your skates @ purehockey, and they charged you THIRTY bucks to bake them?? Even if you got them someplace else, $30 is ridiculous.

So the heat gun plus screw driver didn't work...Can you try something that can hold the spot for even longer? I'm thinking a wooden block cut to size that fits in there?

no, I got them at Hockey Monkey and brought them to PureHockey to get baked.

Maybe I have the price wrong. They actually didn't charge me that day... but there is normally a fee. I just forget what it was.

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Assume you got them online then..?

Yes there is, normally $5-10, but not thirty.

I would try to find an object that u can fit into the skate that can sit there providing pressure outward for extended period of time. That's all pure hockey will do.

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Should I just leave them overnight?


I took it off after 2 hours. Much better but I did mar the outer leather a little with the spoon. Moving it a little bit to get the last bit. Doubled up the towel in the hopes it doesn't mar it any more.

*edit 2

Done. Hotspot no more. Even my wife was amazed how well that worked.


Cept the little bit of pressing on the exterior.


It's already starting to fade a little.

My suggestion of you were to do this? Use more padding around the spoon.

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