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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Brand New Easton S17 Skates

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Im new to the ice from inline hockey. Was looking for my first hockey skate and narrowed it down to a pair of Bauer Supreme 160s. Then I came across a brand new in box pair of Easton S17 LE skates. The size was correct (10.0 D), the price was definitely correct (less than $200), and to top it off they even threw on Tuuk Lightspeed Edge holders for me. I know Easton has discontinued the S17 boot for a while, but 5 years later, do you guys still think this boot can compete with what is on the market now? How does the S17 stack up against available skates today? (especially vs. the Supreme 160s I intended on buying) At any rate, I got them baked and sharpened yesterday, gonna test them out on the ice today...

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They are a fine skate. They were a top of the line skate for their time, and are not much away from a top of the line skate these days.

One thing to keep in mind: Composite skates are extremely susceptible to having moisture problem (IE rivets rusting out). This is because the carbon in the skates does not absorb moisture. So, to combat this, after skating, go ahead and pull the footbeds out, and let the skates get plenty of air so they can dry. Do this, and I am sure you will enjoy your skates!


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Appreciate that...took them out on a pond today...the guy at my LHS told me the same exact thing about taking out the footbeds for drying and also wiping the blades and holders down making sure they are dry...I baked them the other day and got a fresh sharpen, they handle nice, but I am still getting use to the ice...took me a few minutes to get use to the ice, but by the end of the session, muscle memory kicked in...also I got a pair of waxed laces because the Easton ones that came with the skates were weak...looks like I'm all hooked up...

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were you playing in a league or just shinny and stick and puck? I am definitely going to keep you guys updated on how these hold up...im trying to figure out how to post a picture so I can show the before and after...LOL...

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Yeah agree with everyone else. S17s are very solid skates, especially at what you paid for them. Given what you're asking of them, occasional pond hockey and sticks and pucks, they should hold up just fine. They are a very stiff skate, which may cause some problems for beginners, but since you have some experience in inline they should be fine.

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I didnt experience any discomfort with them today...took them out for about an 1 1/2...what would be the advantage of baking them one more time? or should I just leave them alone? would a double bake lead to more a more custom fit? I can kind of tell they molded to my feet a bit after the first bake, but I ready somewhere that some people do a double bake...thoughts?

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