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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Total One Girdle

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I'm current swapping between pants and a girdle.. a 9k and a One.80 - trying both.

I like the idea of a girdle, but did notice that it does keep my thighs a LOT warmer (which I'm waiting to find out if that's a good thing or not). I'm also having clearance issues with the top of my shins and the thigh guards in the 9k (even though I've taken them up to their max).

I also like that I can swap out the covers depending on which team I'm playing in or if they get damaged, far cheaper than another pair of pants..

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I haven't come across an ice girdle that is slim enough to do this (CCM Pro, 9k, X60, TO, NXG). Some inline girdles, like the Mission Thorax or Alkali CA9/Max/Max+, are slim enough.

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I got the Warrior Project Girdle...its on order and should be here soon...I chose this over the Bauer TotalOne because it was on sale...I am curious to see how slim fitting it is and how it looks under sweats...lol...

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I've owned both the Projekt and an earlier version of the TotalOne. The Projekt is definitely slimmer. I *think* it would fit under sweats, but that's assuming XL or XXL sweats to accommodate your shin pads.

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I'm current swapping between pants and a girdle.. a 9k and a One.80 - trying both.

I like the idea of a girdle, but did notice that it does keep my thighs a LOT warmer (which I'm waiting to find out if that's a good thing or not). I'm also having clearance issues with the top of my shins and the thigh guards in the 9k (even though I've taken them up to their max).

I also like that I can swap out the covers depending on which team I'm playing in or if they get damaged, far cheaper than another pair of pants..

I have 9ks too. I either just cut out the top piece of padding or remove in the 20k shinguards. Seems to remedy the issue.

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