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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton Warrenty dept.

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I bought an 85 flex Synthesis shaft about the middle of Nov. and about 3 weeks after getting it, it broke about 3/4 up the shaft on a centering pass. I called Easton and talked to one of the guys there and they were really helpful. I sent the stick in, expecting not to get it back for another 2 months or something. but I got it about a week after I sent it in. I played with it that night and it broke once again..but at the very bottom of the tapered end...so I called easton back and told them what happened and once again they were real helpful and sent my another synthesis overnight and I got it two days after breaking the first warrenty replacement. I just wanted to let you guys know, b/c I have heard horror stories about people working with their warrenty dept. thats my story, the end.

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Yea it's pretty much hit or miss with Easton. I've heard of some people being assholes, and some being really nice and helpful. That may just be the other person though... ;)

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In all my experiences with them, Easton's warranty department has been great. Friendly, knowledgable, and helpful people on the phone, and like you said, very quick shipping.

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Yeah when your dealing with something like that when they tell you his/her name say Hi " " how are you today then go into your problem. I broke an 85 flex Modano regular Synergy and they are sending me a 110 Shanahan Si Core. Ive used the warranty about 4 or 5 times and Ive ALWAYS had people who were nice.

But on the other hand its like any other customer service call if they dont do what you want get off teh phone and call right back and start over.

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