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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weird Supreme Fit Problem

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I tried on a few models in the Supreme line today and noticed a strange problem. The boot felt good on my foot, but trying to walk around,my ankles were being forced to roll outward. It was almost as if I was bow legged. Felt like the holders were mounted too far inside, but this occurred with all four pairs I tried. What would cause this? Its nothing to do with ankle strength as I'm an advanced skater.

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Is it possible they just do not you properly? When I tried on Supreme's my ankle bone didn't hit in the pockets and it was very painful. Perhaps with baking that would have been resolved but I won't take that risk. I'll stick with my Vapors.

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I have some Supreme's after skating on Vapor's for a couple of months. The fit was good but I had a tough time getting comfortable on my edges. I figured it was because I was a fairly new skater. I had my sharpener have a look at them, both holders were off center and angled off. A few shims and rivets later they were completely new skates. Same as the poster above, the skate tech said he sees a few pair of brand new Bauers like that every month.

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Tried 4 more pairs today, (one.8, one.6, 170 and 180). All the same so it can't be the holders. Must be something about the boot that makes my foot supinate. Very odd.

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I have noticed that if I tie the ankles of skates too tight they tend to adjust to outer edges.

I like to skate with stiff ankles, but on Bauer Supreme one.6 skates I cant get them tight as I want.

Nevertheless, loosen the skates a bit, they are still very supportive around the ankles.

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