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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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replacing tongues in Nexus 8000

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/\ This. Are you looking for something thicker/thinner, more/less flexible, longer/shorter length, better/no plastic lacebite insert etc?

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You could start by just taking the insert out. Carefully cut the top or bottom of the mesh and slide it out. Sew up the seam. You may be good to go without anything further. You may need something stiffer to prevent lacebite. If that's the case you can look at putting in something like a Bauer supreme or CCM/Reebok pro tongue (the CCM/RBK tongues will be thicker than the 8000's I believe and may cause some volume issues). Nash Tongues are another option, and are fairly easy to find. I've had good luck purchasing "donor" skates off of ebay or at PIAS type stores to take tongues out of. There are always older model Bauer Supreme skates on ebay for less than ordering them from Bauer. Graf tongues are supposed to be available through Graf dealers as well. Once you have your tongues, you are ready to get to work: http://modsquadhockey.com/forums/index.php/topic/57901-instructional-diy-skate-tongue-replacement/ .

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