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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey sticks under 150$

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Perhaps look into the true a4.5. Picked one up recently for outdoor shinny/shooting at goalie practice so I ll be logging some time on it. It's priced under 150 and has a good selection of curves

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Get on the email lists for the big stores they send out codes and specials all the time. In fact one of the big three has WinnWell sticks for over half off right now.

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I've had the V5E, RBZ130 and now I have a QR3, I've had them all in INT 65 or 70 flex and a p92 clone. The V5E felt pretty good but the blades broke on me fast. The RBZ130 was probably one of the best sticks for the money, light and tons of pop, I was actually really surprised by this one since I hadn't used a CCM in a long time. The stick itself felt really sturdy but the blade broke right by the toe which never happens to me. I'm going to guess it got jammed somewhere or stomped on. I just got the QR3 and love it, I feel like it rockets shots and it is really balanced. The color scheme isn't too bad either. I haven't had enough time to test the durability but I've had really good luck with Warrior in the past.

Out of the three I would probably go QR3 > RBZ130 > V5E but all three were solid.

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Another way to go would be to jump on the Hockey Monkey sale on Reebok 11K/20K shafts with the free blade. You'd be getting a high level stick for under $100.

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Another way to go would be to jump on the Hockey Monkey sale on Reebok 11K/20K shafts with the free blade. You'd be getting a high level stick for under $100.

whoa, going to check that out right now. i rock a mako pro stock shaft ($50) and 11k or 20k blade ($50 or 70) usually, but I'd like to try a reebok shaft.

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Perhaps look into the true a4.5. Picked one up recently for outdoor shinny/shooting at goalie practice so I ll be logging some time on it. It's priced under 150 and has a good selection of curves

I think this is going to be my next stick. Using a Warrior dt 3 lt now. And I really like it.

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another vote for the RBZ 130

been just an awesome stick for me

second to that is a Sherwood T90 LKP

both very solid, let alone for under $130 each

Seconding the T90 LKP. Solid twig, almost unmatched at that price.

Also, the 25K is a superb stick. You can probably find one for less than 150 now that the new Ribcore line is out.

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