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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Drifting Techniques...

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I usualy gain alot of speed, then just before I hit the turn I jack the thumbstick in the direction I want to turn and hold down the B botton. I usualy go totaly sideways before I even hit the turn.

And thats how I won all the drifting tournaments in need for speed underground.

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I usualy gain alot of speed, then just before I hit the turn I jack the thumbstick in the direction I want to turn and hold down the B botton. I usualy go totaly sideways before I even hit the turn.

And thats how I won all the drifting tournaments in need for speed underground.

haha thats exactly how its done.

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I don't do that for NFSU, I just start drifting right from the get-go, with major power braking and I get mad points, highest I've gotten was over 20,000(Oh yeah I have the Stability Control Off)

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all you need to know is here at http://drift411.com/whatisdrifting.php

get some used tires that are almost completly bald (you dont wanna mess up some new tires and its easier to drift on used tires)

goto a empty parking lot and practice there. please dont try to learn on the highway or any public road. do you have a rear wheel drive car? the only way to drift in a front wheel drive car is to pull the parking brake and even then its very hard to go into another drift.

start off with slow speeds say 15-35 mph. on the site its says to put it in seccond but thats only when your in 3rd. you just downshift from what gear your in before you start the drift.

for example im going 35 mph in 3rd gear I would downshift into 2nd.

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I don't do that for NFSU, I just start drifting right from the get-go, with major power braking and I get mad points, highest I've gotten was over 20,000(Oh yeah I have the Stability Control Off)

hahaha, i remember when i played that game, i got like 100,000+ points, just carry alot of speed down a chicane, handbrake, go sideways a little and keep changing directions from left to right, then carry the drift through a turn :D

as for real drifting, make sure you don't do it where there are speed bumps. a friend of mine heard these people drifting in a prking lot, then they hit a speed bump and the car's tires left the ground, completely lost traction, slid and hit a wall. just after the screech and bang, my friend heard "SHIT! MY MOM'S GONNA KILL ME" :D just some advice :P

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