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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Nexus 6000 vs 5000

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Looking at the two and im trying to see the difference.

Is the only thing seperating them the tongue and liner? Im looking mostly to see if the 6000 is any stiffer. Any info is appreciated.


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The 6000 is stiffer - its worth the extra $90. The 5000 would be fine for young kids or adults just getting into the game, but the added stiffness of the 6000 would make it worth it if you're deciding between the two. You'll get a better bake out of the 6000, too.

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The 6000 is stiffer - its worth the extra $90. The 5000 would be fine for young kids or adults just getting into the game, but the added stiffness of the 6000 would make it worth it if you're deciding between the two. You'll get a better bake out of the 6000, too.

How much stiffer are they? They seem to be made of the same quarter panel and outsole.

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