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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Pro curves?

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How do you determine the true depth of a pro curve other than eyeballing it or comparing it to a retail clone?

I've seen refs use something in the past.

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The old rule of thumb was to place the blade face down on a flat surface with the heel and toe in contact; if you could slide a dime standing on end completely under the blade from top to bottom of the blade without any contact then the curve was illegal. I am not sure what coin equals the new curve rules.

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Im trying to determine if a curve is a 1/2 or 9/16th. Would they have one of these tools at the rink?

But that is good to know thanks.

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Im trying to determine if a curve is a 1/2 or 9/16th. Would they have one of these tools at the rink?

But that is good to know thanks.

rubber band around the face from heel to toe and use a ruler or tape measure to check the depth from the rubber band to the face of the blade. However, where you measure will give you different results for depth. The bottom of the face usually giving the most shallow result while the top of the blade could be very different if the blade opens up. USA Hockey used the bottom of the face if I remember correctly.

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