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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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First off, hi to all! Looks like a nice place B)

Ok, got this following issue. I got my current Stealth about 3 months back. As I am living in Germany that was quite a task but anyway..... I´ve seen this one on ebay.ca ac_eastonstealthsakic.JPG and i guess that´s what they usually look like in the US and Can, right?

Now the one I got (sorry no pic atm) looks somewhat different regarding the graphics and I was wondering if that´s a euro version or whatever?!

For example the "Sakic" is written in black on my version, in much smaller letters as well, then there´s also a "P3" on the bottom of that name field. In addition the "Stealth" print looks different on mine....from what I can tell that is. You can hardly even figure it should read stealth....

Hope to be able to add a pic the next days but maybe someone knows about this without seeing a pic?!

Thanks guys!

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Stealths at my LHS all look like the one in the picture. The letters and stuff look the same size as what they were on my Synergy's of past. No P3 or anything either. Maybe just the earlier versions had them or something?

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It´s def not a bootleg. Mine came from Easton´s only offically licensed german wholesaler. They also put their own warranty registration codes on them..

From what I remember, I think it´s an Easton distribution issue (officially, retailers throughout Germany may only get their stuff from that one wholesaler) they try to prevent them from offering sticks they might have gotten for cheap in the Czech Republic or so.... that´s a dif story, though... :ph34r:

I first thought mine could have been a promo but then again I remembered they had that one promo stealth in their outlet since about July/August when the pros ordered their custom stuff, it was a RH Iginla and it had yellow graphics where they are now red...... I have yet to come across another retail stealth so I can´t really tell what the heck I got :(

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Thanks a ton Cavs019! That´s the one I got....

It´s probably just a different production run then I guess...

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our first shipment looked like that, the newer ones say "Sakic p3" and the bottom is chrome as opposed to synergy silver.

I too have noticed some stealths with chrome on the bottom as opposed to the regular synergy silver, the chrome in newer productions and the silver in first shipments

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instead of starting a new topic, i will ask my question here...

can the stealths be used as a shaft after the blade breaks or does the taper affect this?

i might be getting one tomorrow but i would like to know this before i buy it.

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can the stealths be used as a shaft after the blade breaks or does the taper affect this?

i might be getting one tomorrow but i would like to know this before i buy it.


Basically its up in the air. People have had some luck, but not alot of people have attempted it. It was originally thought to be impossible, but apperantly its being done. Hopefully we can get some pictures up.

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