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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick with a good pop?

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I recently bought a Bauer Totalone MX3, Ovechkin Curve and 77 flex and I absolutely hate it. I can't get the puck off the ice nor can I get a hard as shot as I did when I had my apx2(broken). I was looking at the Rbz Superfast but then I heard Bauer's coming out with a new 1x stick... Do you guys have any recommendations? Oh and I mostly take slapshots and snapshots

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what curve and flex was your apx2?

You switched kick points when you went from the APX2 to the MX3. Yes bauer is coming out with 1X stick and that is going to replace the APX2. The RBZ Superfast also has a different flex profile than the APX2. All things to keep in mind when selecting a stick.

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what curve and flex was your apx2?

You switched kick points when you went from the APX2 to the MX3. Yes bauer is coming out with 1X stick and that is going to replace the APX2. The RBZ Superfast also has a different flex profile than the APX2. All things to keep in mind when selecting a stick.

The apx2 was a 87 flex and a p14 curve

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APX2s just went on sale for most of the major retailers, shame you had to drop that much scratch on a stick that doesn't work for you.

Sounds like you're a low kick kind of shooter, all of the Eastons I've used in the past few years (S19, Mako II and V9) are good for that purpose. My favorite was the Mako II, whippy as hell but a nice stiff blade.

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APX2s just went on sale for most of the major retailers, shame you had to drop that much scratch on a stick that doesn't work for you.

Sounds like you're a low kick kind of shooter, all of the Eastons I've used in the past few years (S19, Mako II and V9) are good for that purpose. My favorite was the Mako II, whippy as hell but a nice stiff blade.

Isn't the 1x suppose to be a better version of the apx2? Just a apx2 with qrt and a different blade?

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Ohm, I have a fairly bad shot (my area of expertize is in front of the net) an I can lift the puck with any curve there is. Even with straight blade.

Are you serious that you blame the stick if you can elevate the shot?

*edit* I am now the blunt

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If you cant get the puck off the ice its the archer not the arrow. Even if you can with a 'certain' stick i'd work on technique and not worry so much about the stick.

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