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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I could use a little help. I have an issue with pronation. Through the years I've tried several different skates and fixes. I've used custom orthotics and recently super feet. I'm actually pretty comfortable in my current rbk 18k skates with the stock insoles in them. The dilemma is that because of my flat feet and pronation my blades are digging in slightly greatly reducing my speed. With the superfeeet in I have much more glide but I get lace bite and feel much more off balance. I also tend to get some knee pain off the ice.

I've been researching blade alignment, the graf sidas foot beds and stable 26 socks. Bacially I'm looking for something to level out my blades on the ice without the added forward pitch of super feet. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Would custom skates solve this issue?

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Custom skates will only help if you can get the blade correctly aligned under your foot. There are a few threads here about pronation, after spending a lot of money on custom orthotics and other things, I switched to grafs, use a stock foot bed and moved the holder. Grafs are the easiest skate to do this with because of how the holder is mounted. Here is a good article that covers a lot of issues:


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