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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wrong skate socks?

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I just played in my 2nd game in an adult league (we won 3-0) and I have noticed in both games so far my feet feel like they are falling asleep at times. I am wearing compression socks while I'm playing and they fit really tight. Could that be the problem? Should I get a good pair of skate socks and only wear the compression socks after the game? Tonight was worse then the first game. No matter what I did I just couldnt seem to get the feeling back in my feet which had an adverse affect on my skating. Any advice and recommedations on socks would be great.

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probably to tight laced in the upper portion of the skate. Do the skates pass the pencil test?

I dont know what that test is. I'm very new to playing. Could you explain and I'll try that.

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1. Unlace the skates and pull tounge forward.

2. Slide your foot in.

3. Take a pencil and hold it straight across the top eyelets.

4. Slide the pencil from 1:st to 3:rd eyelet (from the top). The pencil should not touch your feet/ankle.

If pencil touches, your skates are to shallow.

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I did the pencil test and passed that. The pencil did not touch my feet. I ordered some new under armor skate socks from ice warehouse today. I'll try those and see what happens.

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I was having numbness in my left foot with my MX3s. My left foot is a little wider than my right. I had LHS stretch them out slightly around the ball of my foot and numbness has gone away.

Not saying stretch them out! but it worked for me. Though the circulation issue was happening on the top of my foot but it was actually towards my toes on the sides.

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