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How do you lace up and why?

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After having some odd fit issues with my MX3's I did a bunch of looking around and found that different lacing seemed to sort a lot of peoples fit issues. This combined with noticing a load of players lacing up differently in photos got me interested in maybe lacing differently could sort my issue out. Some skip an eyelet, some over-under, some 50/50, some... just weird...

Anyway as I have been experimenting with different ways to solve my fit issue I thought I'd reach out and see what everyone else does and ask why they settled on that style of lacing?

Maybe through this thread we can help others with similar issues or help share ideas on getting that perfect fit. Maybe we can save someone from heartache if they are lacing up in a way that might damage their foot/skate.

Lacing may not sound exciting or terribly important but I can say for myself that I felt a difference when changing how I laced up. So I will kick us off....

Skate: Bauer MX3

Laces: Standard (unwaxed)

Insole: Yellow Superfeet

My fit issue/s: Snap lock button where the tongue insert locks in would push down onto the top of my foot when I laced up medium/tight (the laces ran over the top of it) so my forefoot would be a little loose or I would have pain when skating. I also had some minor heel lift.

How I lace up: Over-under on forefoot, skipping 3rd eyelet. Switch to under-over for top 4 eyelets. Laces medium tight at toes and tight from 4th eyelet up to the top of skate, loosening top eyelet slightly when tying the knot.

Result: Good tight fit on forefoot without pressure from the snap lock button. Heel sits secure in boot with ease. Feels good on the ice.


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Skate: Graf 8035

Laces: Waxed, however, I will possibly be switching to unwaxed. The waxed laces are just too stiff

Insole: CCM med arch support

My fit issue/s: none really I just have to make sure I pull tightly on the last three eyelets to really lock in the ankle

How I lace up: I lace under over and the left lace is always on top of the right lace (a hold over from my days in the military) I also lace up through every eyelet

Result: Good fit that is nice and snug, I do leave the forefoot a bit looser and then tighten up significantly as I get closer to the last eyelet.

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Skate: Mako II

Laces :Elite Waxed

Insole: Superfeet yellow, but may try CCM med arch soon

Issues: None really, minor heel lift in right foot

How I lace: Under over for each, skip no eyelets, medium tight through foot up until 4th from the top, which I do very tight. Then 3rd 2nd are fairly tight, and top most is medium.

Result: Firm fit through, and enough ankle mobility.

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Skate: Graf 709

Insole: Superfeet Yellow

Laces: Howies waxed plain white referee

Fit issues: None with these skates!

How I lace: I lace outside-in (opposite of standard) because I feel like it wraps the boot around my feet more instead of just putting downward pressure on the top of the foot.

This is just to the OP, I previously skated in NXG skates and had the same issue with the button for the tongue inserts, so I just cut the button off the tongue and used a dremel to cut off and pop out the button in the insert. I didn't notice the insert moving at all, so that issue (one of many) at least was an easy fix.

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Skate: VH Footwear custom
Insole: Sidas Conformable custom
Laces: Unwax 84"

Fit issues: 1) Outside pain due to my bow legs. 2) Waxed laces didn't fit for this skate.

How I lace up: 1) Lace up first 3 eyelets tightly. Through the laces from over to under.


2) Lace up the middle area eyelets softly. VH's eyelet fin is very solid so we don't have to lace it up tight.


3) Through last eyelet from from under to outside. Then stand up and lean shin forward until exactly angle of gliding or cross over.


4) Make knob on the eyelet fin. If you make knob as this, the laces don't lose while you let it go to make loop because friction and pressure work. Of course this way help for prevention of looseness.

16543942639_2dc80752f1_z.jpg 16543943779_ed7ca8f7b2_z.jpg

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This is just to the OP, I previously skated in NXG skates and had the same issue with the button for the tongue inserts, so I just cut the button off the tongue and used a dremel to cut off and pop out the button in the insert. I didn't notice the insert moving at all, so that issue (one of many) at least was an easy fix.

Cheers! I might try this out if I get fed up with it. The way I have started lacing doesn't give me any issuers with it now so I might be ok. It is pretty hard justifying to cut up a $800 skate (in anyway) but I will definitely consider it if I get the pain back

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Criss Cross and go under the bridge

Then you got to pull it tight.

Make a loop but keep a long tail

That is how to do it right

Then you take the other string

and you wrap it 'round the loop

Pull it through the hole

Now you got the scoop

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