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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stretching toe box length

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Is it possible or recommended? If anyone read my other thread, I had some problems getting mg heel fully locked in as it was too narrow due to haglunds.

After baking it twice, I feel better in my right heel but still may need the heel punched out later. I'm still feeling too much toe cap on my right skate for my liking though. Would this effect performance or integrity of the boot if it is stretched out??

How would I go by doing this?

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It can be done but you are not going to get much extra length and it is very easy to damage the toe cap. Thinner socks or going barefoot will give you a little more length, if you aren't already doing that.

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How long have you had the skates? If they are new they will probably stretch out some. When I first got my skates, my feet were cramming against the toe caps (Not cramming but uncomfortable) and after 2 monthes they have stretched out and i dont have that issue anymore.

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You can get a 1 - 2 mm extra with a toe box stretch. It has to be done carefully otherwise you can end up separating the toe box from the boot. I know a few players with different sized feet who had this done rather than buying custom made skates.

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