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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Does adding length to stick affect flex?

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I just bought a new Sherwood EK15 stick, 85 flex, stastny. I was coming from a Widow Kremlin stick, same flex. I've noticed while my stickhandling is pretty good right now, I'd like to add a couple of inches to the length of the stick, as I'm having trouble getting my shot off (guessing that's partly from the curve, but I feel I was able to shoot more upright with the Widow).....will this affect my flex?

It's ball hockey, not Ice.


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Adding length will make a stick feel flexier. The amount you will feel depends on where the flex point is on the stick. Adding to a low kick stick won't "feel" like you are adjusting the flex as much as adding to a mid or high kick stick.

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