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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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synergy si-core grip for xmas

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My dad got me a synergy si-core grip for christmas iginla. He got it november 25 or sometime in there. The guy at peranis told them if i didnt like it i could return it and he could get me a vapor XX in 87 flex. I take a lot of slapshots and i have read on my forums people saying how they break si-cores all the time or they split in the heal. I have never used a synergy i have a ccm 110 and tps response. Would the the xx be better or should i wait and get a xxx or hex-1 but i dont no the date they come out. I dont no if i should keep i wont have the warranty on it. But if i go there mabey i could ask them for one because i havent used it yet. What would you do i have the money for a stealth but i dont no about durability. What stick should i get try and get another warranty or get xx or wait for xxx hex-1 or stealth.

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If you shoot really hard, and tend to break regular graphite blades, I have a feeling your gunna tear through a Si-Core. I would say go with the XX, or a completely different stick. Just my $0.02 though.

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I got into composite last year and i havent broke my ccm vector 110 or tps repsonse.Only a couple of chips and when i squeeze the blade of the response i can hear the foam going crusshshs but it hasent broke yet but i got a lot more chips in practice i moved to midget and my response isnt looking the greatest.

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My friend is on his 6th Si-Core Z-Carbon in a month or two, so I'd say they aren't too durable. The XX blade is very durable, so I would trade it in for the XX. It's up to you though.

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The Vectors seem to be the most durable of the OPS sticks I have seen, but their "feel" seems to the weakness..at least from those I know who depend on touch for their game.

I do not know of any of the various Easton graphite/composite combinations or OPS's that stand up well in the blade area. Maybe the new Mission or Vapor XXX will solve the riddle of how to get durability and feel in the same blade.

The new Tour Beemer seems to be a really nice stick too, and carries a more reasonable price.

The Responses and Inno's seem to be pretty popular from a performance point of view on here.

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Really im just kinda worried about warranty because i havent used it yet and if i wanted to return and get the vapor xx i could from peranis. The manager told my parents that he didnt have the 87 flex but could order it. Ill keep it if they will give me another 30 day warranty i dont no if they can but if no ill get the xx and return the synergy.

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I what stick has better advantages the si-core or xx which one will give me a faster shot in your opinion. I know technique will help lol but which stick will help more.

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I what stick has better advantages the si-core or xx which one will give me a faster shot in your opinion. I know technique will help lol but which stick will help more.

Neither one will give you a better shot than the other. Decide what curve and flex is best for you and decide that way.

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Well i went to peranis and man they are nice people there. I took it back and exchanged for a STEALTH iginla no hassle at all they put a new warranty on it. Thats the only place ill shop for hockey now there the best. I like the stealth my wrist shot have more of a zing on them but my slap shot are not what they used to be .I changed back to my response and they were the same as before but the my slap shot were failing. My wrist shot was faster then it used to be im i just not used to the curve. I think im not used to the curve but i dont know coming from a recchi and tkachuk.

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Well i went to peranis and man they are nice people there. I took it back and exchanged for a STEALTH iginla no hassle at all they put a new warranty on it. Thats the only place ill shop for hockey now there the best. I like the stealth my wrist shot have more of a zing on them but my slap shot are not what they used to be .I changed back to my response and they were the same as before but the my slap shot were failing. My wrist shot was faster then it used to be im i just not used to the curve. I think im not used to the curve but i dont know coming from a recchi and tkachuk.

How much extra cash did you have to add?

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